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What is Robot School?

"Robot School" is a long running tradition for team 5826.  We've done it in various an informal summer program, as an official summer school course, and as part of the Voyagers after school program.  In each case we take promising middle school students and have them work along side high school and mentor members of 5826.  CAD, programming, fabrication, electronics....its never too soon to start.  At the conclusion of Robot School 8th graders with an interest can join 5826 as part of our "JV Team".

What do they build?

                                                                                              Robot School 2024 has a group of 12 7th and 8th graders building a drive base and designing an intake system that will pick up whiffle balls.  Will programming, fabrication, CAD and electronics all come together in the end?  Stay tuned!


Their Robot - Jeffery - actually worked quite well.  Not many middle school kids can build a whiffle ball harvester with an autonomous routine!  See ya on 5826!

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